Abben Cancer Center of Spencer Hospital

Should you receive a diagnosis of cancer, your support system of family and friends becomes even more dear to you. When you need those people the most, it’s comforting to have them nearby at the same time you receive the very best in medical care. The Abben Cancer Center of Spencer Hospital is able to meet those needs, providing quality, compassionate care close to home.

Abben Cancer Center provides comprehensive cancer treatment, including medical oncology, radiation oncology and surgical services. Our professional team works to meet your health and wellness needs through social services, nutrition counseling, financial consultation, availability of certified breast health navigators, and other educational and support services. 

How We Treat Your Cancer

At Abben Cancer Center of Spencer Hospital, our professionals treat most forms of cancer in adults, including breast, prostate, colorectal, bladder, gastrointestinal, kidney, blood-related cancers such as leukemia, lung, lymphoma, skin and many others. Our board-certified oncologists work with you to develop your personalized care plan. Sometimes a combination of one or more of the following treatment options may be the best course of care for your battle against cancer.

Treatment options include:

  • Surgery: Some cancerous cells can be entirely eradicated by removing them during a surgical procedure, or surgery may be combined with other treatments, such as radiation or medical oncology.
  • Radiation Oncology Therapy: During radiation oncology treatments doses of radiation are precisely targeted at cancerous cells.
  • Medical Oncology & Hematology: Medical oncology, also often referred to as chemotherapy, uses specialized medications designed to treat specific cancers through oral medications, injections or, most commonly, through infusions.

Your Cancer Care Team

Our team of caring professionals will guide you through each step of your cancer journey. Your team will include some or all of the following professionals listed below.

  • Social Worker: Provides counseling to patients or members of their families and helps connect people with needed resources, including home health care and other services.
  • Nutritionist: Educates patients and may provide them with recipes and nutritional supplements to improve their nutritional status before, during and after treatment.
  • Reimbursement Specialist: Works directly with patients, insurance companies, doctors and staff on a daily basis to manage billing and insurance claims.
  • Receptionist/Scheduler and more: A welcoming face is present to greet patients and guests, to answer questions and provide guidance.
  • Nurse Director: If you have any questions or concerns, please ask to visit with our nurse director who oversees all services provided at Abben Cancer Center.

If you’re undergoing radiation oncology care your care team will include the following:

  • Radiation Oncologist: A physician who oversees the care of each patient who is undergoing radiation treatment.
  • Radiation Oncology Nurses: Specially trained registered nurse who helps evaluate the patient before treatment begins and discusses with each patient what his or her treatment will entail, possibly side effects which could occur and how to manage them.
  • Medical Radiation Physicist: Helps ensure that complex treatments are properly tailored for each patient, and provides quality checks on equipment.
  • Dosimetrist: Carefully calculates the dose of radiation to make sure the tumor gets the right dose at the precise location.
  • Radiation Therapists: Administers the daily radiation treatment under the doctor's prescription and supervision.
  • Other Medical Professionals: During your course of care, tests or services may be ordered which will be administered by diagnostic imaging technologists and/or laboratory services professionals.

If you are receiving medical oncology or hematology services your care team includes:

  • Medical Oncologist: A physician entrusted with your cancer treatment who oversees any treatments involving chemotherapy or hematology.
  • Medical Oncology Nurses: Registered nurses with training specific to administering chemotherapy and other medical oncology treatments.
  • Pharmacists: Pharmacy professionals are on hand to oversee the ordering and administration of complex cancer treatment medications.
  • Other Medical Professionals: During your course of care, tests or services may be ordered which will be administered by diagnostic imaging technologists and/or laboratory services professionals.

Caring for You

Our social worker at Abben Cancer Center is available to assist you with your needs and connect you with other resources to ease your cancer care journey. At Abben, resources include:

  • Outreach Clinic: Dr. Cuervo will see see patients at Pocahontas Community Hospital Outreach Clinic twice a month.  Appointments can be scheduled in Pocahontas by calling Abben Cancer Center.
  • Resource & Educational Center: Books and tapes are available to check out which provide information on cancer care, coping with a diagnosis, nutritional information and more. The Resource Center also has wigs, head wraps, prayer shawls and other amenities which may be beneficial to anyone receiving cancer care.
  • Abben Cancer Support Group: Our Support Group meets the third Monday of each month, except for the months of June and December. Meetings are held in Abben Cancer Center’s Resource Center from 6:30 – 8:30 PM. The support group offers a wonderful opportunity for anyone receiving cancer care, their family members and caregivers. 
  • Healing Arts: In conjunction with talented volunteers coordinated through Arts on Grand in Spencer, the Healing Arts program provides a variety of creative outlets, including guidance with journaling, hands-on activities such as card making, and musical performances from musicians ranging from keyboard artists to cellists.
  • Caring for You Program: Through the generosity of donors to the Spencer Regional Healthcare Foundation, funds are available to help patients undergoing cancer care meet personalized needs. Coordinated through the Abben Cancer Center social worker, funds may be available to assist with transportation expenses, wig costs, providing nutritional resources and other specialized needs. 

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