PEARS is PALS (Pediatric Advanced Life Support) for any healthcare provider who infrequently sees critically ill children and could include Nurses, EMS Providers and First Responders


The functional survival of critically ill and injured children is influenced by the provision of timely and appropriate pediatric emergency care in both the prehospital and hospital environments.  In this course, participants will learn, practice, and demonstrate proficiency in many life saving skills. Students will watch video clips of seriously ill children, and then participate in discussions and hands-on case simulations to practice the “evaluate-identify-intervene” approach when faced with a sick or injured child.


Participants will demonstrate knowledge of PEARS by performing in various team roles.

Participants will apply the AHA recommended guidelines to manage PEARS emergencies.

Participants will demonstrate their understanding of PEARS by successfully completing the post test with a score of 84% or greater.


Upon completion of this program, the participant will be able to:

  • Understand and perform the systemic approach to pediatric assessment of a seriously ill or injured child, including the primary, secondary and diagnostic tests assessments.
  • Utilize the Evaluate-Identify-Intervene approach to decision making.
  • Recognize and manage a child in respiratory distress or failure and/or compensated or hypotensive shock.
  • Recognize and manage a child with life-threatening arrest rhythm.
  • Describe the key elements of effective resuscitation team behaviors and explain why the foundation of successful resuscitation includes both the mastery of basic skills and effective team dynamics.

FACULTY:  All instructors are AHA PALS  and PEARS Instructors.

Chris Meyer, NRP

Jacob Moermond, EMT- PM, RN


No registration fee for employees of Spencer Hospital who have Director approval to attend.

$135 for non-employees & Spencer Hospital employees without director approval to attend - fee includes PEARS manual.  $85 for students who have access to the required text. 


Spencer Hospital employees register via Healthstream.  Non employees register by calling 264-6117 or send registration form to Human Resource Development department one week prior to class.  Pre-course reading/preparation is mandatory for this course, no drop-in registration is permitted.


A full refund (minus a $65 handling fee) is given if cancellation notice is received less than one week prior to class.  No refund is given if cancellation notice is received 24hrs prior to class.  Spencer Hospital reserves the right to cancel this program if there is insufficient enrollment. In this event, every attempt will be made to notify enrollees prior to the event.


NURSES:  4.0 Contact Hours will be awarded by IBON provider #14 - Spencer Hospital.

EMT’s: CEH’s will be offered through CAPCE (Commission on Accreditation of Pre-Hospital Continuing Education)

Participants must attend the entire program and meet the course criteria to receive continuing education credit.  Participants may only use a PEARS Certification course once during their license renewal period.

This program has been planned and implemented in accordance with 655 IAC, chapter 5, through Spencer Hospital, Iowa Board of Nursing approved provider #14

We encourage participation by all individuals. If you are a person with a disability who requires an accommodation in order to participate in this program; please notify HRD  (712) 264-6117 at least two weeks prior to the program. 

Payment Note:
No registration fee for employees of Spencer Hospital who have Director approval to attend. $135 for non-employees & Spencer Hospital employees without director approval to attend - fee includes PEARS manual. $85 for students who have access to the required text. (Make checks payable to the Spencer Hospital)



8:00am - 12:30pm

Spencer Hospital
1200 1st Ave E
Spencer, IA 51301


Spots are still available

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