Hydrating Foods & Summer Heat

posted by Jenna Jacobsen on Thursday, June 10, 2021

The weather is warming up, school is out, and water-centered activities are starting!

Summer is here and the weather is attesting to the fact. As we approach 90-degree temperatures for the next couple of weeks, it reminds us of the importance of hydration. Since the majority of our bodies consist of water, it is extremely important to consume adequate fluids to help our body systems run more effectively. If we spend time outdoors and in the heat, the likelihood of dehydration increases, meaning we need to increase our fluids! If you’re wanting to combat dehydration, but don’t want to drink excessively, try eating these delicious water-packed foods.

  1. Watermelon - This recently popular TikTok fruit is 92% water and contains magnesium and vitamins C and A. It also has the antioxidant lycopene, which has been linked to cardiovascular benefits. Enjoy watermelon sliced, diced, or with a dash of mustard if you are feeling adventurous!
  2. Cucumber - A refreshing vegetable that is a summer-time favorite in salads and made up of 96% water. It is also one of the lowest in calories for hydrating foods. Looking to double the benefit? Add sliced cucumber to your ice water and enjoy!
  3. Strawberries - Fiber packed with tiny seeds around it makes this fruit delicious and is 91% water. Strawberries also provide additional vitamins and minerals like vitamin C, folate, and manganese.
  4. Lettuce - With hot weather, cooking a warm meal is not always appealing. Switch it up and go for a large salad with proteins and additional veggies and fruits. Romaine lettuce is 95% water making it a hydrating and satisfying meal option. Don’t forget the dressing for some healthful fats as well!
  5. Peaches - Made up of 90% water and can be enjoyed in smoothies, yogurt, cottage cheese or as a satisfying dessert on the grill. Peaches also contain vitamin A, vitamin C, B vitamins, and potassium.
  6. Cantaloupe - Your skin and eyes will thank you for the additional vitamin A in this fruit, as well as that boost of H2O.
  7. Celery - High fiber and low in calories makes this a great hydration choice with it’s 95% water content. Pair it with a dip such as hummus or peanut butter and you have a nutritious snack.
  8. Tomatoes - I saved the best for last because when I think of summer- I think of fresh, garden tomatoes. These veggies are 94% water and contain vitamin A, vitamin C, fiber, and lycopene. Tomatoes are versatile and can be added to sandwiches, salads, soups, salsas, or my favorite- sliced with a dash of pepper.

Although these foods do not replace drinking water, it will account for your daily fluid intake. In addition to fruits and veggies being hydrating, they also pack a nutritious punch with fiber, vitamins, and minerals, which are great for overall health and wellbeing. Remember: MyPlate recommends making half your plate fruits and veggies, which are low calorie and may help with weight management. This summer season, remember to drink plenty of fluids, eat your fruits and veggies, and enjoy the sunshine!

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About The Author

Jenna Jacobsen

Jenna Jacobsen is one of Spencer Hospital’s Registered Dietitian Nutritionists. She graduated from Iowa State University and completed her dietetic internship at various locations throughout northwest Iowa, including Spencer Hospital. She currently works as an outpatient dietitian providing ... read more