Healthy Holidays: A Guide to Staying Well This Season

posted by Angel Smith on Friday, December 13, 2024

As we step into the holiday season, a time for family, friends, and community gatherings, I want to share some simple yet effective ways to keep yourself and your loved ones healthy. The holidays are one of my favorite times of the year, but they also bring unique challenges when it comes to staying well. Close gatherings, increased travel, and cold weather that keeps us indoors create ideal conditions for spreading illnesses like colds, flu, RSV, and even covid. That’s why prevention is so important. 

My Top Tips for Staying Healthy This Holiday Season 

  1. Wash Your Hands Often: Handwashing might seem basic, but it’s incredibly effective. Use soap and water, and make it a habit, especially after being in public places or before eating. 
  2. Cover Your Cough & Sneezes: Whether you use your elbow or a tissue, covering your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing prevents spreading germs to those around you. It’s a small act that shows great care for others. 
  3. Stay Home if You’re Sick: I know how hard it is to miss out on holiday fun, but staying home when you’re unwell is one of the best ways to protect your friends and family. Your health – and theirs – is worth it. 
  4. Get Vaccinated: Vaccines are a powerful tool to protect yourself and others. Staying up to date on your flu and covid vaccinations can reduce your risk of illness and lessen the severity if you do get sick. 

Tips for Safer Gatherings 

If you’re hosting a holiday gathering, think about ventilation – open a window or use fans to keep fresh air flowing, particularly in smaller or crowded spaces. Providing hand sanitizer and encouraging unwell guests to stay home are thoughtful ways to promote wellness. 

If you’re attending an event, consider taking precautions, especially if you’ll be around high-risk individuals, such as older adults or those with chronic health conditions. If you are more comfortable wearing a mask in a crowded setting to reduce your exposure to illness, that is okay. Don’t hesitate to have an open conversation about precautions if you’re concerned – it's always better to be proactive. 

Keeping Kids Healthy 

As a parent or caregiver, you know how much exposure children have to germs at school or daycare. Teach them to wash their hands regularly and avoid touching their faces, especially their eyes, nose, and mouth. Healthy habits like getting enough sleep and eating nutritious meals also go a long way in keeping their immune systems strong. And don’t forget – vaccines, including the flu shot, are an important part of keeping children protected. 

These steps may seem small, but when we all take them, they add up to a healthier community. It’s not just about protecting yourself – it's about keeping your family, friends, and neighbors safe, too. 

So, as you prepare for the holidays, I encourage you to focus on prevention and be mindful of others. Together, we can enjoy a holiday season filled with joy and wellness. Let’s take care of each other. 

Wishing you a safe and healthy holiday season!  

For more information on staying healthy during cold and flu season, check out Newsradio 1240 KICD's community health podcast featuring Angel Smith, Director of Clay County Public Health. Follow the link to listen to the full episode - HEALTH UPDATE: December 14 - Flu & Cold Season

  1. publichealth
  2. wellness

About The Author

Angel Smith

Angel is the Director of Clay County Public Health. She is passionate about serving the community.