Darlene DeWitt, MS, RD, LD

Darlene DeWitt, MS, RD, LD

Darlene DeWitt is one of Spencer Hospital’s Registered Dietitians. Darlene currently provides outpatient services in the areas of Diabetes management, heart disease, weight loss, GI issues and other various health concerns.  She received her Master of Science degree in nutrition from Colorado State University and also holds a BS in Exercise Science from the University of South Carolina.

Blog/Article posts by this Author:

  • Healthy Holiday Entertaining

    The holiday season is upon us, and we've put together some tips to stay healthy! Whether you are hosting or attending, there are some easy tricks to making holiday parties just a little bit lighter.

  • Thinning Down Thanksgiving

    Thanksgiving is a time to bring out cherished family recipes and gather around the table with loved ones. By making some simple swaps, you can enjoy your favorite dishes while keeping your waistline in check this Thanksgiving and beyond.

  • Desserts to Make Your Heart Happy

    Eating to keep your heart healthy can feel a bit complicated. Balancing heart health and enjoying what you eat might seem like two things that don't go together; not to mention the question of what to do when you have a craving for something sweet...but it can be done! Spencer Hospital Registered Dietitian, Darlene DeWitt, shares tips to help you include dessert into your diet that will make your heart happy!

  • Healthy Holiday Nutritional and Wellness Choices

    The holiday season is a magical time filled with fun activities, more family time, and of course … food! It can be busier than other times of the year, but you don't get any extra hours in the day. That means that often you sacrifice yourself to make the holiday special for everyone else. Here are some tips to help you maintain your healthy habits during the holidays.

  • Fuel Your Future with Great Nutrition!

    Spencer Hospital dietitian Darlene DeWitt provides weekly tips to help you "Fuel Your Future" during National Nutrition Month 2023. Read more for easy ways to adopt these good health habits.

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