50/50 Raffle to raise funds for local Cancer Center
on Monday, August 19, 2019
The annual Abben Cancer Center Golf Classic will take place on Sunday, August 25th with proceeds benefiting patients served by the local cancer center. For those unable to attend or who don’t consider themselves to be golfers, an opportunity to participate in this fun event and potentially win big money exists with the opportunity to purchase tickets for the Golf Classic 50/50 raffle.
For the third consecutive year, the Spencer Regional Healthcare Foundation is opening up the purchasing of 50/50 raffle tickets to the general public. The winner of the raffle will receive half of the ticket earnings, while the other half of the raffle proceeds will be used to benefit the Abben Cancer Center.
“A few years ago we realized that there were people who wanted to support this great event, yet weren’t able to participate in the actual tournament, that’s when we came up with the raffle idea” said Mindy Gress, Foundation director. “In 2017 our winner took home $590 and in 2018 our winner claimed over $1,000 in prize money. We hope that each year the pot will continue to grow larger as more supporters buy in.”
Tickets can be purchased at Famers Trust and Savings Bank, Northwest Bank in Spencer, Community Bank and at the Spencer Hospital Gift Shop. Tickets are sold for $10 per ticket or three for $20. For more information, call Mindy Gress, director of the Spencer Regional Healthcare Foundation at 712-264-6226.