Spencer Hospital Awarded Funds by Area Farmer
on Tuesday, April 10, 2018
America’s Farmers Grow Communities, sponsored by the Monsanto Fund, gives farmers the chance to win a $2,500 donation for their favorite community nonprofit organization. Jim Eldridge of Terril was the 2018 Clay County winner and designated his winnings to the Spencer Regional Healthcare Foundation.
“Hospice of Spencer Hospital served my dad well during the end of his life; both my kids were born here and the OB nurses were wonderful to my wife; and, when I fell off a grain bin and shattered my leg, this is where they put me back together,” said Jim Eldridge.
The mission of the Spencer Regional Healthcare Foundation is to enhance the care provided by Spencer Hospital to the many surrounding communities.
“We are honored that Mr. Eldridge chose Spencer Hospital to receive these funds,” said foundation director Mindy Gress. “Donations like these help bring new technologies to Spencer Hospital, support programming available for our patients, families and communities, as well as support direct patient care opportunities.”
This year, through the America’s Farmers Grow Communities campaign, more than 1,300 farmers directed over $3 million to rural nonprofit organizations across the country. To learn more about the America’s Farmers Grow Communities campaign, please visit www.monsantofund.org.
For more information and other giving opportunities for the Spencer Regional Healthcare Foundation please contact the Foundation at 712-264-6226.