Spencer Hospital Plans Deliberate Approach to Re-initiating Elective Surgery
on Monday, April 27, 2020
On Friday, Iowa’s Governor Kim Reynolds announced that under certain parameters, Iowa hospitals could begin re-offering elective surgeries as of Monday, April 27. Spencer Hospital will be taking deliberate steps in re-initiating elective procedures.
“Spencer Hospital, in collaboration with its medical staff, is evaluating a plan to reinstate elective surgeries in a measured way,” commented hospital president Bill Bumgarner.
“Currently, it’s not anticipated elective procedures will be resumed before May 11. Patients will be prescreened in a careful manner for COVID-19 symptoms and other potential risk factors before being eligible to be scheduled for an elective surgery,” Bumgarner stated. The hospital’s surgery center has continued to provide urgent and emergency surgeries.
Bumgarner added: “The safety of its patients and healthcare team is the hospital’s priority during this public health emergency. Spencer Hospital will communicate significant updates about elective surgeries and other services to keep the public informed.”